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Old 28-11-2012, 15:18   #10
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Blackburn road accrington

Originally Posted by kelsilou View Post
No one got my vote for the election of police crime commissioner either Neil they all seem to pee in the same pot if you get my drift too many doo gooders get punished for minor things while serious crimes are just swept under the carpet with a slap on the wrist
Perhaps if you take a deep breath and think, it is the do-gooders sticking their noses in that causes most of our problems, we can't integrate with our brown brothers because they are made to feel like special cases instead of members of OUR society?

My ex came from southern Ireland, why wasn't she called a minority, was it because of the colour of her skin? Her religion? Surely she was just as much an ethnic minority as any other so called immigrant?
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