Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
For all the things that he is accused of doing, so far it is only accusation and nothing has yet been proved - which after such a long time and with only one side of the story being told so far is going to be difficult to actually prove beyond doubt.
Perhaps it is time to stop rambling on about it all and not continuing to provide the publicity that the man actually craved.
Just let the law take it's course, the abused be adequately recompensed in whatever way they need, the unwarranted compensation cult members be dealt with and all mention or memorials of the man be consigned to the rubbish bin.
Exactly my thoughts Barrie, this story is being fed by the tabloid press just to sell their rags, there is nothing to gain by continually keeping this story of yesterday in todays headlines, let the police and DPP get on with it.