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Old 21-02-2013, 08:02   #39

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Re: BT Infinity-worth the extra?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well I'm glad I got infinity Gordon, now I've got Sky anytime, and my computer is like grease lightning, I'm quite happy with infinity
What is like grease lightning? You probably only use a browser and for a forum like this you wont see much speed increase from an increase in broadband speed unless your original speed was pathetic. Then again you are in Ossy with BT so you were probably getting a pathetic speed.

I hate all this upto in broadband speeds its a con. They should install it and if you only get 2Mb then they should charge you less. Why should people pay the same money for vastly different speeds just because of the poor BT network?

As for Sky on demand - can you start watching an on demand program instantly or do you have to wait while it downloads?
With virgin you just find it in the list, click play and your watching it in a couple of seconds just like youtube on a pc
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