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Old 24-02-2013, 14:16   #32
God Member

Re: What exactly is wrong with you?

speaking of "what is wrong with you " isnt it infuriating when a receptionist at a doctors such as accy pals asks for details of your illness or problem when you ask to see a doctor infront of a que of people.I have since left that dump and now attend a doctors where you ask a receptionist to see a doctor and the only thing your asked is what time would you like out of the available slots.It must be an accy pals thing though because most of their staff now work at the doctors i attend and they dpnt need to know what is wrong with you they leave that to the doctor to decide which is how it should be done
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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