Thread: HBC at it again
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Old 02-03-2013, 15:49   #101
Ken Moss
Common Sense Member

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Re: HBC at it again

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well we all thought it would be Britcliffe's fault, that's all you can ever say, it might be an idea to cast your mind back a few years when may the negative comments your lot were spouting week in week out might have had a negative effect then, no doubt another case of the kettle calling the pan sooty bum
Yes, obviously it's his fault. I remember vividly saying that.

Or perhaps not, and I seem to remember saying repeatedly that Accrington is not as bad as people keep making out. Every time I go it extracts money out of me which is surely proof enough.

Find me an example of a Labour Councillor saying something truly detrimental about Accrington town centre because I don't remember any of my lot doing that.

The Peel Street toilet debacle does not count either, that was an HBC decision and a bloody stupid one that cost us the taxpayer £300,000.
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