Thread: HBC at it again
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Old 03-03-2013, 09:20   #117
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Re: HBC at it again

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Ah, right Jay, now we know why you didn't leave, we're coming up to elections and you wish to remain as a Tory sounding board, (or is that a Tory sounding bored?), (perhaps even a boring Tory?), maybe it's a Tory without a cause? Wake up and see what they are doing to the poor, not all on sickness benefit or the dole are scroungers.
For once admit how mean your party is to the vulnerable.
So what your actually say Less is that every person who signs for benefits is totally and utterly entitled to those benefits, wonder why during the reign of the last government DLA increase out of all proportion. This government isn't mean to the vulnerable, they are mean on those pretending to be vulnerable. Years ago if you were of sick for 26 weeks you had to go for a medical and rightly so, why it was stopped I don't know. I will agree that any health checks carried out SHOULD be done by medical professionals not agencies, There's been a program running on BBC1 every day over the last few weeks called Saints and Scroungers, very eye opening to say the least.
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