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Old 12-03-2013, 09:19   #37
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Accrington on Newsnight now

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
The Problem is wadey its hard to tell these days who are genuinely sick or poorly as you put it, years ago if you were of work signing on the sick you had to have a DHSS medical every 26 weeks, why now if people are asked to justify their incapacity claim is there such a hue and cry. As I've said many times I have always been prepared to go for a medical, but the fact is it was the DHSS who told me I would not be asked to attend a medical again as my condition was totally incurable and was getting worse, something of an a final statement really
You'll be happy to know that tests are still done and that the tests are no longer to prove that you are ill or disabled but that no matter what your severity may be you can be found fit for some form of work.

Which is why double amputees, completely blind people, folk with chest/heart complaints and people on the waiting list for organs such as kidneys that are on dialysis three times a week have been declared capable of doing and finding work.
Just a shame that someone in your own circumstances could consider others (two of my personal friends) that have also been told they never have to attend a medical again as their conditions were totally incurable and were getting worse,they got called in and passed as fit, only because they are not yet at retirement age.
They like thousands of others are appealing the decisions which is probably costing far more than the swingeing savings that are claimed to be made.

However they aren't your problem are they? Why should they get the same care that you got when you were of working age?
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