Thread: Players Wages
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Old 14-03-2013, 17:33   #14
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Re: Players Wages

to be honest I'm annoyed by this whole thing. Yesterday teatime we all trundled along blissfully unaware of any problem then BANG, we're skint again and can't afford to pay the players.

Ilyas, your generosity once again prevails ... but how has this come about? Fan directors and a board bigger than the United Nations is supposed to ensure that nothing sneaks up on us no?
Did this really need to be aired?
Can the club approach you directly for help rather than the whole world knowing our failings?
Was this meant as a pre six-pointer double header rallying call? If so it was in extremely poor taste as I don't exactly feel ready to roll up me sleeves for a trench war against relegation.

I sincerely hope this really is just a one-off cash flow problem because I feel that nobody would back another SOS.
If this problem is synonymous with deeper problems then buds need nipping. Let's show some honesty and transparency and tell the people that the club simply cannot function at Football League level and that relegation or not we will seek to play at a level we can afford. Nobody wants to relinquish FL status but if its going to potentially cost us the club every season then bite the bullet and drop down. All those fools who refuse that notion can ****** off and leave me to stand with the other 299 who used to brave the Unibond
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