Originally Posted by MargaretR
You knew exactly to what I was referring.... so don't trivialise an important topic.
terribly sorry, MargaretR, as a mere engineer I was simply responding to your incorrect statement with an accurate fact.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
The population cull is well under way.
If the junk food doesn't get you, the pharmacutical companies will.
..and if you survive to draw a pension, they will engineer your death by hypothermia.
The thought that death is inevitable must be a great comfort to you.
As for the bedroom tax, there is some sense in saying someone who doesn't need two or three bedrooms should make it available to someone who needs it and move into a one bedroom home.
HOWEVER-there needs to be a suitable home available for them, if there isn't one on offer it's not fair to punish them. If there is and they refuse it, well fair enough.
This has some of the petty meanness about it that the pasty tax had.