Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
The service isn't free.
While they might not actually charge you for your account, the banks make money from the accounts that they manage....which includes your money and my money.
I think that most banks realise that if they do start charging for accounts there will be folk who will move their money to where no charge is made for basic bank accounts.
I do not want the fancy perks.......the money off when you shop at Argos, or the roadside assistance, insurance on my techno stuff(it is all covered by my house insurance anyway)....all I want is to have my money in a safe place, be able to pay my bills and put a little bit by for a rainy day......now, if they don't want to handle my money...then, I will move it to somewhere that does.
Exactly how I feel Margaret, mind you we were brought up the same way, look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves