Thread: The Tories
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Old 29-03-2013, 13:54   #2697
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I have been trying to cut this to make just the bit I want to comment on stand out...but C'mon....I have given up with that.

Gordon Brown did stop us getting into the single currency(for which, we must all be grateful for) but where did you get the figures to corroborate your next thought....which is, that he 'more than saved us the money he lost by selling our gold reserves off cheaply'.
That, you must have dreamed up.

The last government was economically inept...which meant whoever won the next election would have been in dire straits. I just wonder what policies a Labour government would have put into place to try and get us out of the fiscal Fisons that we are in....because from the tripe that Ed Balls has been spouting, I have to conclude, we would be further down the ship(well, it rhymes with ship)canal than you think we are right now.
Well at least he has the right name Margaret, because he talks a load of um every time he opens his gob, he's a bigger waffler than Fanny Cradock, and that's saying somat, you really do have to wonder what this country would be like if the two Eds were in charge, doubt if two Eds would be better than one that's for sure
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