Thread: The Tories
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Old 01-04-2013, 11:10   #2735
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Yes, and I'll keep banging on about a mean system that attacks the vulnerable.
And yes, I will keep mentioning the fact that you had 20 years of assistance that you consider no-one else should be given. So either give it all back or allow other genuine cases the same care that was given to you.
The genuine cases will STILL get the care they need its the feckless that feign illness that need to be weeded out, but you seem to think its okay just let um carry on and doing nout about it. I've never had any problem people claiming when they are entitled to health benefits I've even helped people to fill out the forms, but when you see people only using walking sticks and wheelchairs when going to the DHSS offices or the doctors, there's something not quite right, yet you think nothing should be done
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