Thread: The Tories
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Old 01-04-2013, 18:01   #2741
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
So yeh obviously agree wi the genuine suffering as long as it sorts out the twisters, I expected better from you.
that's not the case and you know it, your saying that everybody has had their benefits stopped that we now have a benefit free country were nobody gets sod all, sorry you know that isn't so, not even close, the welfare bill is over £100 billion and has been rising at a great rate of knots that ain't sustainable in any context, what didn't help the situation was the open door policy of the last government, like I've said before people coming here should be able to support themselves not make their way to the nearest DHSS office, if they come from within the EU they should only be entitled to the same benefits payable in there home country and they should get the bill for it from us, but until we pull out of the EU nothings going to happen
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