Re: The Tories
I don't know how you are supposed to interpret it Cashy, I can only say how I interpeted it........but for every one of those who steal benefit(because they are being dishonest about their capabilities) when they should not have it, there are those who do need it and are having it stolen from them by those who would live off the earnings of others. It is the system which is at the system needs to be changed. This has long been recognised, but no party has the guts to do it
What are the solutions? The solutions are that a root and branch reform is that is done - well, I don't know. Except, I do know that those who have paid nothing in should be severely limited on what they can claim.
People are keen on their rights, but less keen on their responsibilities.
Was there the same welfare state when you and I were growing up Cashy......NO.
Were times tough back then too....YES.
And I'm not saying because I lived through it, that others must do so too...all I am saying, is that it cannot be right for those on benefits to be better off than those who are working........and I know that some people on benefits are in genuine need...they will continue to be so until the whole sorry mess is sorted out.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 01-04-2013 at 20:19.