Thread: The Tories
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Old 02-04-2013, 14:58   #2794
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: The Tories

Less....there is no need to shout, and where I have I blamed the people who need benefits?(unless, of course, you consider those who come here purely to claim benefits here rather than in their own country and then live as cheaply as possible and send those benefits home - boosting their economy...and those who claim for children who do not even live think that is right?)
I have stated quite clearly that benefits are a helping hand, but should not be seen as a way of life which is what some claimants seem to assume.

How do you sort out the dishonest if there is no auditing/overseeing/ control of the benefits system?

The benefits system need an overhaul...a reform, but everyone who is on benefits, for whatever reason has a vested interest......and everyone thinks their case is special and should not be touched, but no-one considers where the money to pay these benefits is coming from...and if you speak your mind, you are seen to bashing the poor, the vulnerable and the disabled.
So the result of this is that we keep on keeping on, and the bill gets bigger...eventually the pot will run out and then no-one will get anything. The poor, the disabled, the vulnerable will all be in the same boat....not a pot to pee in.

When that happens, there will be people saying why didn't we sort it out sooner?
The reason is wins no fact it loses votes
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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