Originally Posted by Neil
He is just trying to keep those millionaires on his side because he needs them to keep their business in the UK and not take it abroad.
Then he's wasting his time ... the millionaire businessmen, given the opportunity to increase their income and their portfolios, will leave anyway. The government could scrap the minimum wage, re-introduce child labour ... slavery even; but if they can make a few extra bucks by moving offshore, the businessmen will pull up stakes and move. Instead of begging them to stay, penalize them if they leave. Ooops ... I forgot, you guys are in the EU.

What a silly bunt I am
Here followeth a little wander.

Heard on the news today that the unemployment rate in Germany is less than 6% ... and in many other EU countries it's through the roof ... youth unemployment in Sapin is over 50%.

Seems like things are a little out of whack in the good ol' EU