As pits (that's "pits" as in coal mines, not "pits" as in Thatcherism was the pits

) and coal mining seem to be cropping up a lot in this thread, I don't think it's too much of a wander to question why Britain now imports coal

Can some informed right-wing economist explain this? "Carrying coals to Newcastle" comes to mind.

Seems like 40% of Uk's energy came from coal last winter. (I could post a link; but if anyone is interested, there's an article in the "Guardian"; I'm sure you are all capable of finding it.) Now, let me think about this

I don't read of Saudi Arabia importing oil ... or Saskatchewan, wheat ... or Canada, uranium. So, why are you guys importing coal? Did you run out or something? Don't you have the expertise to mine the stuff? Is there nobody over there who wants to work in the mines?