Thread: Boston Bombing
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Old 19-04-2013, 11:29   #139
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Re: Boston Bombing

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Our civilisation is run on greed for money and power and to think that governments care that people die to further their agenda, is a little naive.

I agree that tragedies happen (Texas explosion appears to be 'real' and not staged).

Just some tragedies show serious flaws in the official explanations.

If you don't look for them, you don't see them.
I agree that governments don't care that people die to further their agenda, you only have to look at what this government is doing to the NHS, but thats down to skewing figures, misinformation and outright lies. I do not believe for a moment that Cameron would secretly order MI6 to attack the London Marathon.

As for flaws, the conspiracy theorist always points to a mispoken word, a strange shadow, an incorrect time etc, as evidence....which are usually down to simple human error, a scratch on a camera lens or a wristwatch that hasn't been wound up for a week.

I also cannot understand how you differentiate Boston from Texas, you are using information gleaned from the media, whether mainstream or independent, which kinda destroys your own argument in post 127 which was ... "I don't know because I wasn't there"
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