Originally Posted by DtheP47
Here's a Monday one for you Margaret.
Love the nutjob comments too...  You are not alone Margaret.
Top Comments
GLEN QUAGMIRE 2 days ago
I'm sure there is a serial number on it that will match up to a military issue Boeing 757 or 767. The one that departed from Stewart AFB and remotely controlled to impact the WTC.
Reply · 4
Blork York 1 day ago
how did a piece of plane 5 feet long and 3 feet wide, hurled from blocks away, spinning through the air at high speeds, manage to fall straight down through an alleyway 1 1/2 feet wide - and, according to Mr. foot-in-mouth Police Chief, without making any marks on the adjacent buildings? Anyone buying this story should be declared mentally unfit to drive.
What they didn't report is that BinLaden's DNA stained underpants were also found in that small space