Originally Posted by DtheP47
That of course is on the assumption that the video you have posted is true also  Margaret R
After I found and posted that I did more googling and found lots more mason rituals detailed, and numerous references to that one. Some are amusingly gauche, some are alarmingly sinister.
They are all supposed to be kept secret, but such bizarre practices are bound to leak out over time from ex-masons, and from the masons own publications landing in hands of non masons.
The subject matter is vast, and rituals are derived from old testament and knights templar history.
In these days of worldwide communication it is more difficult for anything to remain secret.
To me they will remain as 'boys in pinnies who like playing secret games'. What is unsettling is the influence they have in our society because many of them are high ranking and control much of what happens to the rest of us.