Re: The Mayor
Re titles - the person is titled Mayor whether male or female. As Mayors were always men in the past they were addressed as Mr. Mayor. This is still the form of address in some Boroughs, even when the Mayor is female, but most women Mayors now choose to be addressed as Madam Mayor.
The person accompanying the Mayor has no legal status and cannot deputise for the Mayor. If the Mayor was ill or otherwise unable to carry out an engagement the Deputy Mayor could be asked. The new Deputy Mayor is Councillor Munsif Dad. He will become Mayor next year.
If the Mayor (male or female) has a female to accompany them (partner, relative, friend), that person is titled Mayoress.
If the Mayor (male or female) has a male to accompany them, that person is titled Consort.
So, various permutations are possible! Sometimes a Mayor appoints both a Mayoress and a Consort. This is to split the workload, especially if they are in full-time work. Only one of them would go out with the Mayor to a particular engagement.