Thread: the railways
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Old 09-06-2013, 07:38   #61
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Re: the railways

more proof Privatised rail has meant 'higher fares, older trains and bigger taxpayers' bill' | UK news | The Guardian Privatised rail has meant 'higher fares, older trains and bigger taxpayers' bill' | UK news | The Guardian Privatised rail has meant 'higher fares, older trains and bigger taxpayers' bill' | UK news | The Guardian Privatised rail has meant 'higher fares, older trains and bigger taxpayers' bill' | UK news | The Guardian Privatised rail has meant 'higher fares, older trains and bigger taxpayers' bill' | UK news | The Guardian Privatised rail has meant 'higher fares, older trains and bigger taxpayers' bill' | UK news | The Guardian the worlds most expensive is costing 4 billion pounds to subsidise private franchises it was only 1 billion in britsh rail not counting the money they got back.the figures of late trains during British rail THEY COUNTED 1 MINUTE AS BEING LATE today they count 10 minutes as being late .there is no argument..
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