Originally Posted by Tesco Rambler
I am an Old Boy, and I really wonder what has happened to the various characters of my year: I started in the last year at the old solid stone building on Blackburn Road with the 'Tuck Shop' there right next to the school and frequented at break times. It would be unfair to mention names but I do wonder how many have died, gone to prison, made it big in some chosen field of endeavour - yes it would be interesting to know. Since I am somewhat of an unconventional type I would feel a bit loath to attend any functions.
Yes, well, I dare say a few won't attend unless they have absolute brass nerve, take this chap for example:-
My brother the troubled Tesco blackmailer - Accrington Observer
Oh look there's a coincidence he has Tesco in his name as well AND he was a tax inspector, small world isn't it?