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Old 23-07-2013, 18:41   #31
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I don't get it am I in the same boat?
If children go to visit friends I expect their parents to be vigilant about what is accessible on the internet, if they cannot(or will not do this - for whatever reason) then surely it has to be better to have a system where people who want to access this type of material need a secure way to log in to access it.

I do not want children to be able to stumble upon violent rape scenes, or scenes which degrade that wrong?

If adults wish to get their pleasure in this way, then that is their choice, but it should not be freely available just by punching some phrase into a search engine.
You dont seem to be paying attention to anything that others say.

Originally Posted by Less View Post
So, do we stop there? Just protecting our own children?
Yes, they could go to a friends house, yes, their friends parents could be allowing porn to be watched.
From the little I've seen most porn sites ask if you are over 18, I don't know nor am I interested in finding out that all porn sites ask that.

However, any parent allowing access to such sites needs to be sorted, they obviously aren't fit.

If you're over eighteen then you are allowed to choose, under eighteen you have adults responsible for what you view.

If they don't take responsibility then they should be forced to.

I don't watch porn, (often), (usually I catch a glimpse when some idiot insists on showing his (I have yet to meet a woman that wants to show me porn, though I'm sure they exist) latest find), (strange how they are lonely folk that need to share their depravity with others), but if I wanted to, I should be allowed to, so long as I make sure no one underage can be allowed access.
Meanwhile, look at Sugarmouses post, maybe you could agree with some of that?

By the way, if you need help getting off your high horse, use me as a stool.

I hope you're wearing spurs.

Joking, honest!
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