Originally Posted by Lucysgirl
(1) The blog intimates that today's terminology is the same as that of bygone decades - this is not always the case. I mentioned the word gay because it was common when and where I grew up to have a gay time - they gaily played, etc., etc., etc. To the average person in the street it now has other common usage. There wasn't much point in my using a word which isn't in current use and/or the meaning hasn't changed.
(2) I didn't have any thoughts about social security/benefits when I read the link. My sole thought was that times change. For instance it was once the norm for couples to marry and the wife to stay at home - there were no labour saving gadgets such as automatic washing machines, they used the dolly tub and posser, the carpet beater, etc., etc. Before anyone protests I would point out that even in the 1970s some houses had internal gas lamps and outdoor dry soil lavatories which were emptied daily. Governments of the day wouldn't pidgeon hole those women into "unemployed". This is one reason why I thought the blog was tosh.
(3) In my 50 years of work in the engineering industry I can recognise the difference between what is termed as an "apprenticeship" in this current clime and what was once a STANDARD 5 to 7 year trade apprenticeship accompanied by college day release.
(4) As for the selling off of council houses - hands on heart how many councils fully maintained their housing stock? In fact, after I'd seen a TV programme this week I think some councils should hang their heads in shame at the standards of the dwellings under their ultimate control. Back in the 1980s I knew of 3-bedroomed council house estates which only had ONE single wall socket in the house (which was situated in the living room -darned dangerous) and if the council couldn't do a job properly, then it was proper to sell the houses privately to people who were willing to maintain them.
Absolutely spot on couldn't agree more