Thread: The Tories
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Old 16-10-2013, 18:59   #3433
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
when labour are in the standard of living for the working class rises fact you know im right give me the facts figures and statistics to prove otherwise...
I've actually lived through to many false Labour dawns, its very very easy to lift the standard of living, millions of people do it every day, its only when they wake up and smell the coffee that they realize this higher standard of living has been achieved by massive debt, anybody can ride around in a Roller smoking Havana cigars, the only problem is you have to give it back the day the bubble bursts, which usually happens the morning after a Labour government leaves office, its just a little like a bloke who farts in a lift then looks at everybody else as if he ain't the one who's made the smell, and believe me there's always a real nasty smell hanging over Britain for years after the demise of a Labour Government. the only way to achieve stability is by steady economic growth something Labour have never managed, its always borrow today for short term prosperity and sod tomorrow we won't be around to pay the bill, remember the not left on the treasury desk when labour were removed in 2010 sorry theres no money left we've spent it all
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