Thread: The Tories
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Old 19-10-2013, 17:45   #3470
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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The Tories

Originally Posted by Lucysgirl View Post
I don't particularly want nuclear energy as there's a problem disposing of the radioactive material. We used to put it into drums and drop them into the ocean until we discovered the sea was becoming radioactive due to the metal drums corroding.
Why don't you accuse the thousands of British people who bought shares in the nationalised industries of being traitors? I'd like to point out that when British people bought shares in British owned nationalised industries, the first thing most of them did was sell them on the open market - not very patriotic I would suggest.
Could we have a link that shows the waste was dumped in barrels into the sea?

As for your second thought, people were offered shares they bought them, they then did exactly what the money men and good old Maggy the thatcher expected, they sold them because they needed the money, it must have made a fortune for those that already had a fortune.
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