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Old 16-11-2013, 19:03   #549
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
The tolerance peddlers are exposed as frauds when you consider that they simply will not practice what they preach—at least toward those annoyingly stubborn Christians. They are absolutely unwilling to “tolerate” the Christian premise that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. For them to acknowledge this would necessarily refute their concept of tolerance, which holds that all ideas are of equal merit. In their infinite resourcefulness, they carve out an exception to their demand for universal tolerance when it comes to their treatment of Christians.
To them, Christianity’s exclusive truth claims are simply beyond the pale—so bad as to disqualify Christians from receiving tolerance from others. One secularist university administrator, for instance, disciplined a conservative professor for exposing her class to literature from a Christian viewpoint, which included an article about how teachers should approach homosexuality. The administrator exclaimed, “We cannot tolerate the intolerable.” You see, it’s fairly easy for these types to extricate themselves from their indefensible positions. They simply move the goalposts. Talk about defining truth through power!
Originally Posted by JCB View Post
Good evening .

Well I don't know what you mean by the above words , and I don't understand what you are trying to achieve on this forum .

You are certainly doing no credit to the cause of spreading the Gospel to which you seem to adhere .

Yes , I am being stubborn again , and will continue to be until you answer the questions I have posed you I don't know how many times .

Just to remind you this is what I asked .

You said : " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. "

Are the two separate statements you have just mentioned

1. We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel.
2. Nothing further is required of us. ?

If so which Bible are you using ?

Are you serious that Jesus commanded his followers just to tell the Gospel and made no other commands because nothing further is required of them ?
Allow me to translate for you JCB the thrust of it is WIBBLE WIBBLE WIBBLE WIBBLE WIBBLE WIBBLE which makes about as much sense as Mr Ks' load of old pony hope this helps
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