Re: Christian Science
K99, I see you still keep cropping up – which is your prerogative as long as you stay within the boundaries and rules – even though you went quiet for a while there, and I suppose that by others also taking part in this thread it is feeding your ego – or whatever. Definitely not your humility – which seems to be in scarce supply. But that is our prerogative also until such times as the Administrators say enough is enough and pull the plug, if indeed they ever do. I hope they don’t.
However, I have read and reread some of your comments – and continue to be amazed how easily you skirt round issues without giving any proper answers. Just gobbledygook.
I take it you STILL haven’t visited the cancer wards of a Children’s Hospital – or any Ward if it comes to that, and seen the dreadful suffering of these innocent ones – then asked ‘why?’... for some more gobbledygook.