Originally Posted by dotti34
K99. I don't wish to be personal - though you try your best to be so with some of the Webbers, including myself - but I have to say that you do not appear to sleep well. I wonder why.
At the risk of sounding rude (but if you can dish it out then you have to be able to take it) did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, your wife WANTED you to go out....
It is nice to know that you appreciate the teachings of Accrington Grammar School, by the way. I'm sure it was (and is) an excellent school, as shown by past students of that establishment - however my education was gleaned elsehere.
My last comment at this time is how sad you are to be looking forward to death - it would be a rude awakening if only you were able to realise it but it will be too late then, sadly that will be IT - there ain't no more!!!!!
...and still you don't answer relevant questions.
God bless you dotti. We were newly married and lived 27 years together in married bliss. On occasions people have accused me (but not on this forum) of lying about it saying that no one could be so happy. Well I guess they were as disbelieving as you lot. Have you ever wondered why the divorce rate is so high now when it didn't used to be? The other day I went into Tesco's to buy my horse meat (a joke) and what should I find but plates of mashed potato for sale. Is that what husbands now come home from work to get for tea? When we travelled away on holiday she travelled in her best costume with lovely ironed blouse. No sloppy jeans and sweater for her! It has been said that marriage is give and take—you give and she takes (another joke) but I say that a 50-50 marriage is useless. There are occasions of sickness when it has to be 100-0.
That is the end of my sermon on marriage. It is instituted of God and unless he blesses is it it will be purgatory (purgatory by the way is a religious myth). My wife was a pupil at Accrington Grammar School.