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Old 29-01-2014, 00:29   #1
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Bought used car,rubbish in boot

What would you do if you had bought a car from a used car retailer, and when you got it home there were two bags of rubbish in the boot?

Everything else with the car's fine, and It's obviously been cleaned.

I think, that this is actually the retailer's rubbish, because the car's going to have been inspected, and in between my viewing it and buying it, has had its MOT. They must have checked the boot when they purchased it, to make sure it opened correctly etc, I can't see it being the previous owner's rubbish?

I also asked that they tax it for me, and they hadn't yet done this when I arrived to collect the car so I had to wait-perhaps they'd decided to take their rubbish somewhere in the car en route-and forgot?

But never know I guess.

I'm not annoyed about it really, rather amused if anything but still, not quite right is it!?
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