Gordon......I have always worked for companies and organisations which operate the PAYE system, so tax avoidance hasn't been something which has been available to me.
Yes, I know it is legal...and that is why I said that you cannot blame the companies who avoid paying tax by legal means.
As to the company who make lots of profit in reality, but fiddle the books to make it look like they make a loss.......I would NEVER buy a drink from them.
We all know that if they were making the losses they say they are, they would disappear from their prime locations in city high streets.
Politicians need to address these issues...but we all know they won't because many of them probably use accountants to minimise their own tax bills.
When I first started to draw my pension I was in the 10p tax band...Gordon Brown came along and doubled my tax bill....my little bit of savings accrue very little interest(this money was put aside for my retirement so that there would be a bit of a buffer when bills rose - as they invariably do) but what interest is accrued is taxed......sometimes I wonder if I should have blown the lot on fast cars and slow men
