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Old 14-02-2014, 23:11   #165
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.

Originally Posted by davebtelford View Post
Agree about the lawyers. DLT said - "I have had 2 trials, one by the media and another by the Crown Court". Savile has only had the former. What would have been the outcome in court defended by expensive barristers in front of a gullible jury with colleagues, charity recipients & maybe royalty as character witnesses?

In view of the fact that DLT, Cock-Roache ( & probably Rolf) are not guilty can we now absolve Jimmy Savile ?
What makes you think that the jury were 'gullible'? Do you have pertinent information that could have been used in the trial?

Alternatively do you read the daily mail or have the English disease of building people up until they are successful then relishing their downfall?

The very fact that these incidents are alleged to have happened 30-40 years ago and that there is no actual evidence implies that the only thing that the jury can take into account is 'who do they reasonably believe'.

If I accuse you of raping me in do you think that you could prove otherwise except by bringing in people who knew you at the time, that could testify in court that they did not believe you capable of such a despicable crime? If the jury found you not guilty, would you still claim that the jury was 'gullible'?

And please do not go down the road of 'why would the CPS bring it to court?'..because I could deluge you with miscarriages of justice and examples of cases that should never have been brought to court.

I have no idea how old you are, but in the 70's, us young blokes treated women appallingly, myself included, because that was the way it was, it was acceptable to society. Looking back at some of the things I did growing up as a typical 'jack the lad', I'm glad I'm not a famous household name, because I'm sure a few ladies would chance their anonymous arm for the chance of a 'few quid' because of a drunken grope and an immature accusation of frigidity when I didn't get my own childish way.

Weird thing is I was walking with a young girl a couple of months ago in Corporation Park in Blackburn, she told me that she was afraid to walk in this park alone in broad daylight...that would never have happened in the perverted 70's
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