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Old 04-03-2014, 22:32   #122
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Re: Animals killed for training

'I personally' have a problem with inhumane treatment of food animals, I also have a problem with subjecting that animal to 'unnecessary' stress, pain, or fear or all of the aforementioned. Anesthesia is not always 100% effective, it's not unheard of for patients under anesthetic to wake and experience pain,stress and fear.....

...Also anesthetic and bullets make the meat inedible (unless you take a few of our local fast food outlets),so it makes this practice a bit wasteful from a practical perspective.

I can agree that training is better than no training.
Can we agree the training is of far greater value than the suffering? I think not.
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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