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Old 22-03-2014, 08:58   #780
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
[B]Why do you think I am here?

Ah, yes, now there is the rub, you're not here because of your whit or humour, you're not here because there is a large neon sign saying evangelists welcome, you're not here to brighten up our lives with your magnetic personality.

I think your here because of your unlimited conceit which drives you to interfere with the lives of others and some strange and misplaced feeling of power that annoying others gives you.
A real Christian wouldn't interfere where he's not wanted. Having said that, history shows that real Christians are a rare breed, the people that claim to be Christian have slaughtered and trampled upon any that dare to think differently to themselves.
So you are here to continue hopefully with nothing worse than trampling on us and our own free thoughts and that you aren't a slaughtering Christian.
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