Originally Posted by dotti34
K99 - I have given you the courtesy of actually reading your posting No. 900 and yet again I have come to the conclusion you consider yourself a far superior being in your Christian belief to those of us who hold different views. No humility about K99 – that’s not being very Christian.
I respect the rights of others to believe in what they will, even you – but I think it is extremely presumptuous of you to be so arrogant in the way you appear to treat other people’s beliefs in that you seem to think if they don’t believe what you believe then they are wrong. Again no humility.
By the way, have you got a direct line with your God that you can act with so much perceived authority on the subject of Christianity? Has He spoken to you directly – or are you simply reiterating the mumbo-jumbo that has been told to you by mere mortals?
I must also point out that you contradict yourself in this posting by saying your God can either bless or much worse – and then state that he is a loving God. Can’t have it both ways.
Hi dotti34,
Greetings to Australia,
The reason why you think I am arrogant, pompous and all the other words that non Christians usually use is because you have failed to understand the Christian life. I have pointed out in the past that our God is extremely tolerant (for now). He has decreed that people have the free will to do as they please (for the moment) but the day of reckoning is coming when we shall all answer for our transgressions (including myself). In modern parlance it is live now pay later. The wise ones recognise God's supremacy and that he will carry out his will. He sees everything. The technical term is CORAM DEO. You may look this up if you wish. Nothing is overlooked; nothing is forgotten so we cannot hide behind time or sheer number of transgressions. You can find his rules in the book of Exodus chapter 20. Since no one can keep those all the time, God has provided a way out in his only begotten Son. My direct line to God as you so succinctly put it is his Word, the holy scriptures. These contain the words of life to all who believe and put Jesus in charge of their life. Anyone can read it for themselves to check its veracity. I like to check most things and these days with the Internet it is ultra easy to do. You say I contradict myself but remember that on here I operate with one leg in plaster and an arm tied behind my back. Otherwise I could easily prove almost anything connected with the Christian faith but it would not be too long before you were shouting "copyright, copyright and advertising" and a host of other excuses that people think up to silence Christians, so it have to work with the tools available. All the information I have given can be verified on the Internet by yourselves.
What more can I say except, "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."