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Old 24-03-2014, 15:33   #925

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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
This is taking rather a risk since you have much more 'power' on this forum than I have Neil, but I think you ought to pay more attention. We Christians sometimes have to take risks for the sake of our master, Jesus Christ. It is part of the job. We have to take insults, but at least (for the moment) we are not fed to the lions or sawn in two like some of our forbears. I dare say that there are those who would like to bring it back but fighting against God is futile since he has the ability to either bless us or much worse. We do worship a loving God who has patience (far more than I have, for instance) but he has appointed a time when we shall ALL be judged. The judgement of believers will be different to that of unbelievers. Many who would call themselves Christian are unaware of this latter judgement. I am raising this point as I notice that one or two of your contributors have mentioned this subject. Believers will be judged on their performance in this life so those who think they can sit back and relax after accepting Christ (in the true sense) are going to get a shock. They will be saved but 'as through fire' as the scriptures put it.

God bless.

You still didn't answer the question, not that I thought you would answer it.
If you have forgotten the question it was

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
What have you done that makes you so special to assume you will go to Heaven, are you one of the 144,000?
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