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Old 13-05-2014, 09:49   #13

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Re: i had to laugh today

Originally Posted by Jim Procter View Post
Totally agree Ms Pilkington,why have successive governments not sorted out Taxation long before now?Surely there a much simpler method of calculating a persons liability?if things were simpler there would be no need for the armies of accountants dreaming up tax avoidance schemes to the detriment of the ordinary PAYE customer.
They don't want to sort it out because it is working just the way they planned. Look at the Pfizer and AstraZeneca story in the news at the moment. The yanks want to buy AstraZeneca because it will save them money to pay tax here not the US. Isn't that good for the UK if a big US company is paying tax here and not in the US or am I missing something? I have been busy so not followed the story much
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