Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Jason, I respect your views, but sometimes you talk a lot of twaddle.
There is a huge great difference between what happened in Manchester, and the case of the old folks recreation centre.
Talking of LCC cuts and reduction in services is something entirely different.
People expect to have these services from the money they pay in taxes.....and perhaps there would be fewer of these cuts if we did not send eighty million quid abroad to be squandered on anything other than the cause for which the money was given.
The donations given to the Manchester Dogs home were at a time of urgent need...a crisis.
I said in a previous post that the British are very good at giving their hard earned dosh in times of crisis....and this was the case here.....that and they can actually see where the money is going.
As for your comment about donations to fund an old folks recreation centre.....the old folk of this country are increasingly portrayed as a drain on the system....they are seen to have little social value....they are seen as non contributors.......the powers that be wish that we would all go away somewhere.....and without a fuss, shuffle of this mortal coil.
When you started this thread, it was put into Anything Goes.....which suggests to me that you saw it as being of little consequence.....you gave it a flippant title(ok, this has been changed now...probably as a result of how the comments were going).
Again all this suggests that you posted this, having some idea of the response it would provoke.
I really thought that the thread about soldiers and pigs had been something you had learned from.....a case of hope triumphing over experience.
I am disappointed.
I admit, yes, I knew exactly what response this thread would get and also what road it would eventually take,Thus why I put it in anything goes (perhaps I could be a little more serious). I didn't think my ("flippant") title was so bad that it needed to be changed but saying that some of my past titles haven't exactly met the criteria for the site either.
Sorry your disappointed M, I'll except my knuckle wrapping an be quite now..... (till next time)