Originally Posted by DtheP47
Go easy on him AccyX he’s in denial and beginning to doubt if he really is a wizard.
It’s a phase he goes through from time to time. Sadly these episodes are becoming more and more frequent.
A couple of years ago he thought he was a cheeseburger, he even changed his avatar to reflect this would you believe?
Now he is telling people he is Wile E Coyote just look at the business cards he has started handing out. But with a little tlc from the members we have brought him back, lost a few members on the way but the effort and sacrifice was truly worth it.
Hang in there little buddy. 
After seeing the way he's brainwashed his online sheep, I could believe almost anything.
I knew he had some sort of mental instability from one of my first responses from him

Now he's become the first and hopefully the last to go on my ignore list