Re: Paris Shootings.
To answer your questions.....War can never be truly humane.......but the beheading of hostages on camera for propaganda purposes is is the massacre of Muslims, including women and children, purely because they practice a different form of Islam.
Isis massacred the Yadzidi tribe and they have killed those jihadis who were disenchanted with the that they could not return to the country they were from and influence others negatively
Your link to the story in the daily mirror shows that elite forces are on the ground to combat ISIS......but not in great numbers.(so I don't think this constitutes a war footing)
As to our foreign policy, well if you asked many people what our foreign policy is, they would not be able to tell you......apart from perhaps the vast amounts of money which goes out of the country in foreign aid...but that is not the foreign policy to which you refer.
The majority of the electorate will never ask questions about foreign policy. If and when they are doorstepped by a prospective candidate.......and even if they did ask it would be a fair bet that the candidate would have not a clue how to answer this question.
So, despite being a democratic country the electorate has very little input to foreign policy affairs...and what politicians tell us is not necessarily the truth, but more what they think we want to hear or what they think we should know...which basically is 'nowt'.
You know what they say, ' If you can't blind them with science/statistics/whatever...baffle them with bulldust'.
Your views are yours...and you are entitled to them...they just (on this subject) do not align with my views.
Terrorism is not war.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 10-01-2015 at 12:56.