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Old 26-01-2015, 12:43   #13
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Re: Nuisance Phone Calls

Originally Posted by jelly baby View Post
We get around 15-20 'withheld' and 'out of area' calls per day, starting around 8.00am. We don't answer them but they are driving us mad. Has anyone any idea how to stop them short of getting the phone disconnected. We use TPS and also pay for a screening service, which works really well, but obviously doesn't stop 'withhelds'.
JB x
"15-20 per day"

I heard TPS is a scam (funded by the telemarketing industry).Truecall seems to be effective, but is expensive.

"Under current rules, the ICO can take enforcement action only if calls cause “substantial damage or distress”. The government is considering how to make early intervention easier, and it is expected that in future the ICO will be able to intervene where calls cause “nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety”.-
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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