No comments to last nights debate then?
The Welshy bleating for the Sheep to get more, the heiress to Wee Eck, geeinit large for the Jockeens, Mr.Ed ,lost without Grommit for guidance, Posh boy Ca-moron keeping largely quiet to save face, the Cleggit being the Cleggit woeful & washed up, The Farage, immigration & europe at the root of everything & finally that Aussie binter endorsing more tree hugging!
And bolixticans can't understand the despondency towards politics by the general public.
Still, for my choice I'd give the best performance on the night to the Nige, if only for upsetting the apple cart & irking all the whinging, limp wristed, spineless, multiculti loving, pussy lefty liberalists.
Just my opinion mind & if I've offended some of you out there ............. well just do one, as I ain't bothered in the least.