Looks like you guys are on track for a minority government ... something that happens often over here. Don't knock it; you might get to like it

It keeps the governing party fairly honest; and important stuff still gets done.
Talking about tories ... just to keep on topic

... there is, for those interested in politics in general and not just the insular stuff, an interesting general election coming up next week in the Province of Alberta ... that's the place where all the oil and all the rednecks are. The tories have held power in Alberta for 44 years! But, from the polls, it seems as if the voters in Alberta are starting to lean away from them; and they don't seem to be leaning to the right ... that would be to the Wild Rose Party, Alberta's equivalent of the Tea Party. They just might give Labor (NDP) a chance.
If I were a voter over there, I would vote Labour as a matter of principle. Putting the tories back into power would result in the loss, or at least the gutting, of all the social programs that were fought for in the last century. Maybe it's time to put the EU referendum on the back burner for a while. Not because I think that the EU is a good idea for any country; but because it looks like it will fall to pieces if it is left alone. Kinda like what happened in the old Soviet Union. What was it that Elliott wrote about whimpers and bangs?