Originally Posted by cashman
Am well aware of the damage the last Labour Government did. in fact the Blair government stopped me voting Labour fer the first time in me life, and i sure as hell slagged em fer it. But they aint in power any more simple as, So now its Torys that are decimating it n i will slag them fer it. If were gonna go back in history then the only fact we have an NHS is down to a Labour Government, but that to me is not the way to go. Its slag who's damaging it now, simple as. 
Damage that was done then has been cumulative.....and it is difficult to restore the situation that was caused by the change in GP contracts and the PFI because these both have really deep and damaging long term effects.
All political parties need to stop using the NHS as a football and something to slag each other off for.
The general public also need to be educated to,take more responsibility for their own health.....not everything in life can be cured with a pill.