Originally Posted by Giacomo
Gratuitous mention by me there to Kirsten Dunst! I think she's fab....A link has appeared from somewhere now to the film The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.
I haven't seen this but it has got some really good actors in it. Mark Ruffalo for example. So here is another link for you when you've watched enough football - try this film:
Begin Again - Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightley, James Corden and that singer bloke Adam Levine.
Giacomo !.... Looks like you and I are on identical medication regimes !...Because I too have a sneaky regard for the delectable Miss Dunst !, although I cannot be persuaded that Mark Ruffalo is going to be another Mark Rylance !... As for Keira with the surname that has been the focus of many a punster...eg.. Once Knightly is enough for anyone !.... I fear that her waif-like frame fails to awaken any passions whatsoever in my octogenarian breast and thus she will never be included in any of my future fantasies !.
Now what am I Chimer ?...( to return to your opening query !). To be perfectly honest, in spite of much of the rubbish I come up with on this forum !, I know exactly where I stand on most things which affect my day to day life, and this is enough to keep me sane (?)..and secure in my dotage.
So what are you ?... I'm more than certain that you too know where you are are at, where you are coming from, and exactly where you are going !... and know in your heart of hearts exactly what you are !... Why then the concern ?.
Enjoy your life, be glad you are you, and ......
ps !..... I am definitely not a Grumpy Old Man ......... YET !!.