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Old 26-07-2015, 15:30   #8
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

And you really think that any other party would have the nuts to do anything about the situation?
The last time I looked it was Blairs gang who thought that uncontrolled immigration was good, that giving welfare benefits to all and sundry was a neat trick....because it meant that there would always be a permanent voting base grateful for these things.

What swung it for the current government was the promise that there would be a referendum on the EU....oh yes, and the fear that the SNP would hijack any policies that Labour would be promoting......I have said it many many times, they are all the same!
Not in the politics game to make things better for us, more improve our lot.
They are in it to make sure they stay on the gravy train....make as much money as they can, contacts for when they lose their seats.
And on the issues of the referendum. I believe that the government are not legally obliged to follow the voters wishes when the results are known.....they may do what has happened in other countries....Like Ireland....who were sent back to vote again until they came up with the right answer.
Europe doesn't like us, because we didn't enter the single currency(thank God).....but as was seen with Greece.....we won't be allowed to leave.

If the Labour Party had been elected in May, do you really think that they would do anything different?
Or any other party for that matter.

The essence of this issue is to attack it in three ways.
Stop those who exploit those wanting to leave their country of origin in rickety boats.
Use current regulations and rules to deal with the migrants...That is. They become the responsibility of the country where landfall is made.
Make the UK less attractive to the migrants....deport, no health or welfare benefits.

This may all sound very hard, but unless these actions are implemented then they will continue to arrive.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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