Re: Bus accident in Accrington
I have to disagree with the generalisation about speeding. I do not speed. Ever..... Until recently my livelihood depended on driving as I worked on the community. I have to say that I've seen my fair share of bad drivers, people who are totally oblivious on the motorway, people who obviously don't understand road signs and don't know their left from their right and insist on using the left hand lane of a roundabout when turning right ( an example being the bottom of Eastgate turning onto Hyndburn Rd, the council have signed it at straight on, but you are turning right!!) I have had several near misses in the past when small children run into the road from behind parked vehicles, but have always managed to avoid hitting one of them, the streets running off Ormerod St are bad for this, as was Within Grove estate. I consider myself to be a decent driver and I am aware that buses have right of way....... However, I will not give way to a bus pulling out if he isn't indicating and I have complained about this to my dad (a bus driver for Hyndburn). Had a spate of buses not indicating when pulling away from a bus stop a couple of years back. I won't mention the company, but needless to say it is no longer operating. 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
Last edited by lettie; 14-02-2005 at 14:09.