Thread: The C word
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Old 11-12-2015, 22:53   #73
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Re: The C word

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
I know full well,Christmas is what you make of it....its personal thing,you either get into the sprit and celebrate it or you don't.
I choose to opt out and not make a big song and dance about it but at the same time good luck to those who are gullible enough to fall for the BS.
Christmas (long past) - down the mecca, grabbing every unattached female for a christmas kiss before falling into a taxi with a hot dog smothered in onions, getting out of bed just as christmas dinner is served, what the heck is a christmas card? Does my Gran really think that a quid and a selection box is a valid gift?

Christmas (recent 'ish' past) - dragging presents from the hiding place in the loft, putting together a 'Wendy House', adding stabilisers to the first 'two-wheeler', screwing the legs into the football table, pushing all the plastic bits of games from their mouldings, trying to get the lego back into the box, the annual Disney VHS xmas release after lunch, rows and rows of xmas cards from mates, kids friends, workmates, people you know because of your kids. Gotta invite my Gran for a few days *sigh*, probably get a quid and a selection box again..

Christmas (present) - What the heck do I buy the wife? Probably get a phone call or skype from the kids..a few cards from workmates, relatives and once a year old friends who will be sending these cards long after I'm dead and gone. The dog will eat more of the turkey than me. Wish my Gran was here.

Christmas (future) - Sat here waiting for my grandson to pick me up, really looking forward to the company...think i'll leave the half dozen cards on the mantle, got some pound coins and selection boxes, saved them up from my pension for the last few months....

Moral...don't analyze...just seize the day and enjoy it for what it is before it's too late
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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