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Old 28-02-2016, 22:46   #7
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Home Care Providers

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
Thanks for the recommendations. I am going to phone the existing care team tomorrow, asking why the attendance time is constantly being changed without them having the courtesy to let us know. I have also drafted a letter of complaint addressed to the manager. I may have to add to it, depending on what I am told during the phone call. There wouldn't be such a problem if they could give us advance notice of time changes. As it is, mum is left sitting around in her dressing gown, waiting and waiting. She gets stressed, so I get stressed.
I think that is a good start......contacting them. Letting them know that you are dissatisfied with their ineffectual service.
I would also be letting them know that you are considering looking for other care providers.....ones that are more punctual, more reliable.

The one thing they will surely be aware of is the inconvenience and stress that this is causing for your mother.
This, in itself, pindicates a lack of care for her well being.
Myself, I would be kicking them into touch whatever they have to say for themselves.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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